
So what is this Markdown. You may have been reading/hearing about using Markdown to write web pages. Maybe you are like me, and disregarded Markdown as another passing fad in the world of web development. And like me you would have missed out on the all Markdown has to…

More Security Concerns for Lenovo

It was reported on May 6th of yet another security issue for the computer hardware maker Lenovo. To bring everyone up too date, earlier this year, the Super-fish scandal compromised Lenovo’s hardware and allowed Lenovo to serve up customized advertising on the users computer. Now only two months latter,…

Server Upgrades

This holiday weekend was very busy for the server. Changes were made to beef up the security and performance of the server. Unexpectedly I found out that those changes broke some of the system configurations. Needless to say after two reinstalls of the OS, things were back up…


So I got a little tired of having to review my system log to find failed ssh attempts to block them in the firewall. I figured what a great chance to automate the process with some Perl6 [] code... So the entire process goes like this: * Generate temp…

Apple's iWork Office Suite Now Free & Cross Platform!

Apple has opened up the iWork office suite of use cross platform at the low low price of free! What all that mean you ask? Well Its kinda of a big deal, let me explain. iWork is a office suite made by Apple, and it is pretty good. If you…

Excel's SUMIF function

Want to add up the amounts in a single column but only if it matches a certin critera? Here is a quick how-to on how to do just that using the SUMIF function. If you open up the "More help on this..." you will see the compleate syntax…

Windows 10 Preview

Microsoft has released a preview edition of their next operation system. You can download a copy and try it out for yourself if you are so inclined from their Windows 10 site. I gave it a try to see for myself just how much change was made compared to the…

HTML5 Video Tag Now Default!

Youtube announced on Jan 27, 2015 that they will use the HTML 5tag as default on it web site for users of web browsers; Chrome, Internet Explorer 11, Safari 8, and some Beta versions of Firefox! If you not familiar with the HTML 5 video tag and what that means…